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报告题目:Retail Platform Analytics:Practice, Literature, and Future Research

报告人:Tao Li, Santa Clara University  

报告时间:20236249:00 -1030




The explosive growth of retail platforms over the past decade has resulted in a significant amount of customer and seller data that can be leveraged for advanced business analytics. As a result, the management of retail platforms with business analytics capabilities has garnered increased attention in the field of operations management. Despite the recognition of the importance of business analytics techniques for retail platforms, a systematic study for their operations is lacking in the literature. Based on our observations of the industrial practice and understanding of the academic literature, we attempt to address this gap by proposing a framework that broadly categorizes retail platform management into three key themes: demand-side management, supply-side management, and matching. For each theme, we identify critical topics, discuss the current practices of platforms, and review relevant literature. We also propose future research questions with directions for the initial modelling and solution strategy, together with applicable data sources and potential insights. At last, to facilitate future research, we provide a roadmap and datasets for further exploration of business analytics applications of retail platforms. Overall, this paper lays a strong foundation for researchers to delve deeper into the exciting and constantly evolving field of retail platform analytics.



李涛,美国圣塔克拉拉大学利维商学院商业分析硕士项目主任,信息系统与分析专业副教授。2012年秋,他从德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(the University of Texas at Dallas)获得博士学位后,以助理教授的身份加入商学院。主要研究方向为共享经济、众筹、战略采购、供应链协调、运营与营销对接、可持续运营管理、行为运营管理等。曾在POM, M&SOM, European Journal of Operational Research等学术期刊上发表学术论文。李教授开设Python机器学习,Python数据分析,商业分析,信息系统和规范分析等课程。李教授指导了亚马逊网络服务(AWS)AdobeRubrikClouderaNuveenAtollogy等公司的项目。现任POM高级主编,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review副主编,Naval Research Logistics客座副主编。他是MS, ORM&SOM等顶级期刊的定期审稿人。